lisa.lims Microplates – Optimize the use of microtiter plates
The lisa.lims microplates module optimizes and individualizes use of microtiter plates. Users’ workload is greatly reduced thanks to flexible configuration of the visualization, processing and management of all workflows involved. There are benefits for internal processes, too, as plate production, use and analysis are tailored to the laboratory’s specific requirements.
This boosts efficiency and cost-effectiveness – both in manual sample handling and in automated high-throughput laboratories.

Full flexibility in handling, visualizing and managing microtiter plates
Free definition of plate models and pre-filling of wells, e.g., plate format, filling pattern and testing plan.
Rapid, automated plate production with audit-proof master data management
User-friendly interfaces with flexible options for searching and visualizing tests and results
Efficient lab automation thanks to bidirectional integration with plate readers, pipetting robots and plate storage